Exhibiting at the Southampton International Boat Show 13th Sept- 22nd Sept
popping up in John Lewis Poole 2nd Dec - 8th Dec

Run For Heroes

Run For Heroes

Aside from the spectacular collaboration of the Thursday night ‘clap for our carers’ session from our deck, we at The Cornish Surfer would like to be more involved with supporting the great work that our NHS is currently enduring.

Thankfully with a little graceful encouragement from our friends at the ‘Summink Different cafe’, we received a nomination to ‘run for heroes’ by enduring the 5k run. It was time to dust off those trainers and get those little legs moving in the direction that would help support the greater good!

Ready, Steady, Run!

Jump in the air with our Sennen Cosy Blanket

My advice to anyone running is not to worry, just enjoy the journey and take the run at your own pace. Breath in the clean fresh air and listen to the sounds of your local wildlife on route.

The last mile of my run became quite challenging, so I tried to turn my attention away from how my body and mind was feeling and shifted my focus to the NHS. The pain that the staff and the patients are going through on a daily basis is far more intense than what you will be feeling in your legs, so you can do this! Make it happen and keep it fun for them and you!

Last tip.....
Keep hydrated…
Guzzling heaps of water on race day isn’t the way to go. Instead, get plenty of water in the days leading up to the race. The way you eat should work in the same way – graze on healthy foods rather than simply loading up on carbs the night before you run.

Ready, Set, Race…

Its All For A Good Cause

I would recommend that you tell a friend before you run, so they can wait for you at the finish line with a super soft 'Sennen Cosy blanket' to wrap you up in afterwards.

Good to go? Set up your Virgin Money Giving fundraising page, then get ready to reach the finish line. Good luck.

Whats stopping you?....Visit .....Uk.virginmoneygiving.com/runforheroes