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The Calm Before The Storm

The Calm Before The Storm

There’s a storm brewing out at sea and the waves are due to hit the Cornish coast, but before they do we are making the most of the flat calm turquoise seas and our awesome sunny days.
So how do us Cornish folk keep occupied whilst the lock down on surfing is in force during Covid 19? We get excited by running around the house in wetsuits and filling up the paddling pool so Coco, our little one can climatise to the cold water before we throw her in the sea. Start them young and all that jazz. Don’t worry we will wrap her up in The Sennen cosy mini blanket afterwards so she is all snug and cosy.

Cornwall At Its Best

The real Cornish Pasty - Home Made Just For You

We all paddled out to sea as part of our family daily exercise routine and we spotted a basking shark and a young seal which the locals named Bob.

Once the salty sea and sandy toes were washed away we all sat down for lunch and devoured my dads famous home made pasty. Recipe to follow in my next blog!