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Happy Birthday – Our First Year In Business

Happy Birthday – Our First Year In Business

It’s time to wish The Cornish Surfer a Happy Birthday!  Yes it went quick didn’t it and what a year its been for The Cornish Surfer.  We have learnt so much, made loads of mistakes but ultimately I think I have finally managed the art of being patient, so that its self is worth a huge pat on the back!

I know there are many of you out there that dream of setting up your own business one day.   With the global pandemic set upon us, so many changes are going on all around us.  Working from home in your pjs has become the norm with many of us jumping ship and moving to more remote locations.   Perhaps now is a better time than ever as we’re not restricted to that office environment anymore.

If I could offer anyone advice about going solo and setting up a business of their dreams, then I would offer you the same advice as a very good friend of mine once said “never lose sight of what you are aiming to achieve”. ‘Melika Imoru’.  For me sourcing sustainable suppliers that could offer quality over quantity was essential to our core business, we wouldn’t have survived without it.  I have learnt so much and I am grateful for all of those challenging moments as it has forced me to grow as a person and over come what felt at times impossible.  Moving forward from our first year,  I am now filled with confidence and excitement when designing and developing new products and our suppliers and artists that we have chosen to work with are ultimately responsible for that.

We have some beautiful products launching this summer & Autumn so you guys are all in for a real treat.

As its our Birthday we will be doing a ‘Giveaway’ on our luxury items via Instagram & Facebook, so keep your eyes peeled.

Most importantly THANK YOU so much for supporting our small business through a global pandemic.

Matt & Anouska